Monday, 31 October 2011


Health services are performed for the prevention, diagnosis, dealing with workplace accidents or occupational diseases and the provision of rehabilitation to workers who have an accident or illness in the workplace.

   One of the occupational safety and health agencies working in the company, as a means of protection of workers against any health problems arising from employment or work environment.

   Means of implementation efforts is comprehensive occupational health (promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative)

The purpose of Occupational Health Services
1. Provide assistance to Labor in conformance with the job
2. Protecting Workers against health problems arising from employment or work environment.
3. Improve health agencies, mental (spiritual) and physical ability of labor
4. Providing treatment and care and rehabilitation of sick Workforce

In order for the function and role of optimal Occupational Health Services :
1. Board shall provide the professional freedom of physicians who run the Occupational Health Services.
2. Doctors and health workers in implementing the Occupational Health Services are free to enter workplaces to investigate, examine and obtain the necessary proofs.

Programs / Activities Occupational Health Services should be comprehensive, covering :
1. Prevention
2. Development
3. Treatment
4. Recovery

Free Download Training Materials OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH SERVICES >>>> Here

Sunday, 30 October 2011


SMK3 is a conceptualized system to plan, implement and measure the implementation of K3 in the workplace based on the company's Safety Act No.1 Th. 1970 and its implementing regulations.

Collection of elements that interact and are integrated towards a common goal. Systems approach : Connectedness and wholeness

A set of components, elements, elements or subsystems with all the attributes that are related to each other, influences the other and interdependent so that the whole is an integrated whole as well as having a role or a particular purpose.
Value or the role of a system will be influenced by the value or the role of sub-subsystems.

Part of the company's overall manajamen system which includes organizational structure, planning, implementation, responsibilities, procedures, processes, and resources needed for:
- Developing, implementing, achieving, reviewing and maintaining policies K3
- In order to control the risks associated with work activities
- To create a workplace that is safe, efficient and productive

Mandatory SMK3 implemented by companies in all sectors and integrated with the Company Management systems Minimum Requirements Must Meet :
- 5 basic principles
- 12 elements / element audits

Free Download Training Materials SMK3 >>>> Here

Friday, 28 October 2011


Hazardous Chemicals are: Chemicals in the form of single or mixed based on chemical properties; physics or toxicology dangerous for labor, installation and environment.

Consists of :
1. Toxic materials
2. Reactive materials
3. Explosive substances
4. Oxidizing materials
5. Flammable liquids
6. Flammable gases

L a b e l
A sheet of paper, plastic and others attached to the packaging and contains information about hazardous chemicals contained therein or, Prints on the packaging that contains information about hazardous chemicals contained therein.

Label format consists of 11 major items that should be given an adequate explanation
1. Name of product
2. Identification of hazards
3. Danger signs and their meanings
4. A description of risks and mitigation
5. Precaution
6. Instruction in terms of exposure or exposure
7. Instructions fire
8. Instructions spills or leaks
9. Charging and storage instructions
10. Reference
11. Name, address and no. tel. Manufacturer or distributor.

Free Download Training Materials MSDS >>>> HERE

Thursday, 27 October 2011


Ergonomics is an applied science which is a combination of scientific anatomy, health, psychology and technology that aims to improve working conditions and labor productivity.
By the way: the design of work equipment, workplaces, work methods, work processes, workplace layout, lighting settings, etc.

"Fit the job to the worker - NOT the worker to the job"

"Ergonomics can be interpreted also as a science and its application which seeks to harmonize the work and the environment against people or vice versa with the aim of achieving productivity and efficiency as high through optimum utilization of man-optimal"

Design Objectives Work (Work Design)
1. To obtain the allocation of functions according to the type of work
2. To get a working system that is safe, healthy, convenient and efficient

Characteristics Of Workers
1. Skeletal muscle function and
2. The concept of body biomechanics
3. Working posture

Adjustment of working tools and workplaces with body size. Components :
1. Human
2. Working tools or machinery
3. Work Environment
4. Organization and management

Humans interact with machines through two parts of his body that is
1. Effector groups of the hands, feet and voice
2. Sensory group of senses such as vision, hearing, smell, taste sensors (skin) and the censorship of taste (tongue). Vision and hearing and smell is a sensory group most involved in this interaction process

Free Download Training Materials Ergonomics Work >>>> Here

Wednesday, 26 October 2011


  1. There does not appear
2. Odorless
3. No sounds
4. Can be felt
5. Can cause death

Electric power has become a basic requirement for the public. Electricity contains the potential dangers that may threaten the safety of lives and property. Implementation of the electricity system there is need for government policy so as to reach all levels of society guaranteed their safety.

1. The imposition of more
2. The connection is not perfect
3. Equipment is not standard
4. Limiting current is not appropriate
5. Insulation leakage
6. Static electricity
7. Clap

DIRECT CONTACT is the danger of touching the conductive parts that normally live.

INDIRECT TOUCH is the danger of touching the conductive parts which are normally not voltage, the voltage due to insulation failure.

Method :
1. Isolation of the active
2. Barrier or enclosure
3. Obstacles;
4. Safe distance or out of range
5. Residual current protective devices
6. Isolation of floorspace.

Method :
1. TT or Grounding System Security (PP)
2. IT systems or conducting safety (HP)
3. TN or Neutral Grounding System Security (PNP)


Friday, 21 October 2011


1. Protecting Workers on Safety at Work
2. Ensuring others in the workplace
3. Production sources can be used with the Safe and Efficient

Pressure vessel is a vessel other than steam plane in which there is pressure exceeds the pressure of outside air and used to accommodate gas or mixture of gases including air, either compressed into a liquid or frozen in a soluble state (Article 1 letters (e) of Regulation 01/1982 of the Minister)

Pressure Vessel Steel Bottle is a Vol ≤ 60 liters (Article 1 letters (f) Ministerial Regulation 01/1982)

1. Bursts of fire / steam / hot water
2. Blasting
3. Exposed to hazardous gases
4. The collapse of building
5. Environmental pollution
6. Touch of electricity
7. Etc.

1. Factors Equipment
- Press Vessel Construction / Installation
-  Material / Process creation / Fitting
- The existence of quality deterioration / change the dimensions of the aircraft / installation, etc.
- Safety devices / equipment does not exist / is not eligible / not functioning properly
2. Factor Operation
- Operating conditions do not suit the design
- Pressure / Temperature / expenses exceed the maximum
- The process is not operating according to the procedure
- Etc.
3. Management factors
- Compliance with regulations is less
- Poor care
- Etc.
4. Operator
- Less skilled
- Careless / negligent

Free Download Training Materials SAFETY AND HEALTH PRESSURE VESSELS >>> Here

Wednesday, 19 October 2011


Driving a forklift is a serious responsibility. It is generally more difficult than driving a car. Forklifts are less stable due to the 3 points of suspension versus an automobile’s 4 point suspension. The back wheels do the turning as opposed to an automobile’s front wheels. Steering requires greater judgement and operating skills. Traffic patterns are not as uniform and predictable when driving a forklift as when driving an automobile. A fully loaded forklift can weigh hundreds or even thousands of pounds more than an automobile.

Types of Forklifts
Forklifts are classified by the 4 types of power sources used:
1. Gasoline
2. Diesel
3. Liquid Petroleum
4. Electrical

Forklifts are categorized by nationally recognized testing laboratories into 11 different designations. The designation is then labeled on each forklift. It is important to know the designation on the forklift you work with because it may not be compatible with the atmosphere in your work area.

Pre-Operation Inspection
1. A pre-operation inspection of the forklift is required at the beginning of each shift it is used. This is important because a mechanical breakdown or malfunction of a forklift during operation could create severe consequences for both you and your co-workers.
2. The pre-operation inspection should be conducted with a written check list. At the end of the inspection, the check list should be signed, dated and filed with your supervisor.
3.  NEVER operate a forklift that does not pass inspection.

Hazards in your Environment
You can prevent forklift accidents by being aware of the hazards in your work environment before operating a forklift. Hazards could include:
1. Potholes
2. Pedestrian Traffic
3. Narrow Aisle Ways
4. Overhead Obstructions
5. Wet, Oily, or Rough Surfaces
6. Other Equipment in the Area

Free Download Material FORKLIFT BASICS  >>>> Here
Free Download Material FORKLIFT SAFETY >>>> Here

Tuesday, 18 October 2011


Each activity / process work undertaken in the workplace is the risk for the occurrence of occupational injuries (mild to severe).

A variety of prevention efforts carried out so that no accidents occur. In addition, the skills of first aid action is still needed to face the possibility of accidents.

Therefore, in every workplace should have P3K officer [First Aider], or at least every employee has the skills in performing first aid in the event of occupational accident or medical crisis.

1. Save lives in the workplace.
2. Provide comfort and support the healing process.
3. Prevent worse things on the victim.
4. Calming the patient or victim is injured in the workplace.

Principles of basic
1. Do not move or change position of the injured, especially when injuries occur because of falls, falls from a height with hardware or other violence. (Move or reposition the patient only if your action is to rescue others from danger.)
2. Act quickly if the patient was bleeding, difficulty breathing, burns or shock (SHOCK).
3. Do not give any liquid to half the patients who fainted or passed out. The liquid can enter the respiratory tract and cause breathing difficulties for people.
4. Do not give alcohol in patients who suffered severe injuries.

Free Download Training Materials FIRST AID IN ACCIDENTS >>>> Here

Sunday, 16 October 2011


FIRE is an uncontrolled fire. Relationship with material fire
  1. Solid
  2. Liquid
  3. Gas
Fire Triangle (Triangle of Combustion) + Fire Tetra Hedron

Cause Of Fire
1. The limited information and knowledge about fire
2. Human negligence
3. Deliberate
4. Nature

Due To Fires
1. Property loss
2. Victim or mental disability
3. Damages / loss of business
4. Social economy
Free Download Training Materials Use The Fire Extinguisher Lighter >>>> Here

Friday, 14 October 2011


Any systematic and sustained effort to empower both potential sources such as: equipment, personnel skills, information and systems, including the following efforts: prevention, preparedness, response and recovery in order to avoid the danger of fire and emergency response preparedness in the fire

- Any building work has the potential fire hazard with different characteristics,
- Application of Fire Fighting K3 based on Risk Level and the characteristics of each.
- Approach to the implementation of K3 is the Technical and managerial control refers to the
- Regulations and standards

1. Identify Potential Fire
2. Analyzing Risk
3. Menendalikan Risk
- Prevent fires,
- Against fire
- Localize fire
- Evacuation
- Rescue

Free Download Training Materials FIRE PREVENTION >>>> Here

Tuesday, 11 October 2011


A System which outlines the organic compounds by using bacterial / microbial decomposers, which are aerobic with a comparison of two controlled in order to always remain. In the process of decomposition of organic compounds by activated sludge is made into contact with sufficient time with supplied oxygen (air). Of this process will oxidize organic compounds or decompose ". To be eligible for the activated sludge process can run, oxygen needed by bacteria to decompose organic compounds must be supplied to the aeration pond, while in the pool of deposition, mud and water must be separated by well, then to keep the content of pond aeration MLSS (sludge concentration) remained then in the mud that settles at the bottom of the pool engendapan sent back to the aeration pond.

Terms & conditions above are summarized as below :
1. BOD load in the mud at the pond aeration operation sought to keep within the limits of appropriate provisions.
2. Supply air (oxygen) sufficiently not to interfere with the decomposition of BOD.
3. Separated in a pool of mud deposition, should be more concentrated than in the mud aeration pond.
4. To control expenses Lumpur BOD (BOD-to-volume ratio of sludge) within appropriate limits, sludge separated in settling ponds continuously flowed back into the pond aeration.
5. Changes in the volume of water and wastewater amendments sought as little as possible.
6. With bacterial cell synthesis and accumulation of inorganic SS MLSS flowing in the aeration pond will increase, so that a constant operating conditions, the sludge should be periodically dumped out.

Download Training Materials Liquid Waste Processing System >>>> Here

Sunday, 9 October 2011


Cause of Injury and Illness Due to Work there are five factors :
1. Humans.
2. Methods.
3. Materials.
4. Machine.
5. Work environment.

From these factors it can be subdivided cause Injury and Illness Due to Work are :
1. Direct Cause
Direct Causes of Accidents is a condition that usually can be seen and felt immediately in the form of unsafe acts and unsafe conditions.
2. Basic Causes
Basic Causes consists of two factors:
- Human factors / personal
Lack of physical ability, mental and psychological. Lack of / lack of knowledge and skills, stress, motivation is not enough / wrong
- Factors of work / work environment
Physical factors namely, noise, radiation, lighting, climate. Chemical factor is dust, metal vapor, smoke, gas. Biological factors of bacteria, viruses, parasites, insects. Ergonomic and psychosocial.

According to Henrich factors causing the accidents are caused by factors
- Unsafe acts 80%
- Unsafe condition 20%

According Hastuti and Adiatma factors causing accidents are caused by factors
- Unsafe acts 85%
- Unsafe condition 10%
- Natural Factors (act of god) 5%.

In general, the causes of accidents at work are as follows:
- Fatigue
- The condition of the workplace
- Work that is not safe
- Lack of mastery of workers to employment (lack of training)
- Characteristics of the work itself.
- The speed of work, workload, and duration of a job done. 

Download training materials SECURITY AND SAFETY >>>> Here